N A 5 B    W e b S D R   R E C E I V E R   S Y S T E M

Welcome to NA5B WebSDR receiver in Washington DC Area Operated by NA5B, Mehmet - QTH Locator: FM18JS
This receiver covers ; VHF: 6m, Air Band, Weather Band, 2m and E-Field VLF receiver. Current system brief description; Antennas: Homebrew
1/4 ground plane and discone Server: 64 Bit Linux (Debian) with fiberoptic gigabit connection and RTL-SDR dongles.   For the HF BANDS:
For more info about the WebSDR: Other SDR's: UTAH UT - KFS CA - Kiwi KFS CA - K3FEF PA - NY4Q GA - N4DKD AL
Thank you to AD8AE, K1LWC, WD5GWC, AB3VN, W5AWG, W7HB, KN4VV, N4RLI, KZ3AB, K4NNK, WN3F, W2QL, KM4OBL, XE1RK, KE4URB, KZ3AB, W1EJM, W3MSH and N2EC for their donations.
* A high stability central local oscillator has been installed for all sdr's for better frequency stability. (19 May 2019)
** This WebSDR is compatible with Pocket RxTx App for Android (available in the PLAY STORE) for more info: YO3GGX, Dan
Special thanks to the folks at the Northern Utah WebSDR for providing the DSP Noise Reduction function!  more info

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AMAZON RTL-SDR V3 Dongle full kit  RTL-SDR V3 1PPM TCXO       RTL-SDR V3 Dongle only RTL-SDR V3 1PPM TCXO
 Please join FaceBook Group  WASHINGTON DC WebSDR FB Group       NA5B KiwiSDR coverage 10 kHz to 30 MHz (limited to 4 users)  NA5B KiwiSDR
Allow keyboard:
j k ← →freq. down/up (+shift/ctrl/alt faster)
u l c a fUSB, LSB, CW, AM, FM
W wfilter wider/narrower
z Z ^Zcenter/zoom waterfall
genter frequency
b Bchange band
m V vmute, volume up/down
t TVFOs: toggle A/B, set A=B

Loading waterfall... Please Wait.


FILTER:  ?kHz @ 0dB; ?kHz @ -6dB; ?kHz @ -60dB. [? / ?]
PassBand Tuning (PBT) Control:


Waterfall view: Full window

Or use scroll wheel and dragging on waterfall.


Solar Activity Monitor:
No Data

Sig?dBm PK?dBm N?dB SNR?dB
Mute Squelch Auto-notch Notch-2
Audio out: Left Both Right
DSP Level: OffMax High-Boost

GAIN CONTROL: automatic manual

E-Field @ Washington DC Area (VLF 0-20kHz)

Signal strength plot:
Logbook:    Call of station that you hear: Comments, if any:
Note: time, frequency, your name/call, and DXCC information are added automatically. View the last 20 lines of the logbook, or the entire logbook (ctrl-click for new tab/window). -->

Station information: Lookup in databases  
This WebSDR is currently being used by ? user(s) simultaneously:      compact view

NA5B VHF Server Statistics:
Flag Counter
** Visitor window added on 20 Dec 2017 **