WebSDR logbook - note that entries can be made by anyone so correctness is not guaranteed -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date UTC freq call comments dxcc country heard by -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20171114 11:31 1650.0 WHKT Portsmouth VA "The Answer" S9 Pugio 20171114 11:39 1660.0 WBCN Charlotte NC "94-7 Smoke" S9+5 Pugio 20171115 01:15 550.0 WGR ::ffff: 20171117 22:50 630.0 TB7BBG ! TA Turkey ::ffff: 20171117 22:51 630.0 TB7BBG . TA Turkey ::ffff: 20171117 22:52 630.0 TB7BBG Bg TA Turkey ::ffff: 20171117 23:00 730.0 TB7BBG :-) ! TA Turkey ::ffff: 20171117 23:01 730.0 TB7BBG Kayseri TA Turkey ::ffff: 20171118 04:34 1620.0 Radio Rebelde Mark Sango 20171118 04:43 1620.1 Radio Rebelde Cuba 1620 khz poor to fair Mark Sango 20171118 04:59 1660.0 1660 94.7 "The Smoke" out of Charlott ::ffff: 20171118 05:26 61.0 wwvb 60khz ::ffff: 20171207 21:33 14075.0 test0 ! TI Costa Rica ::ffff: 20171209 20:35 1610.0 ft belvoir Emergency alerts kb7aqd 20171209 20:41 1670.0 khb36 weather ! K United States kb7aqd 20171210 01:17 1710.0 unid New jersey...thank you for your kb7aqd 20171210 18:30 1680.0 NWS Relay of NWS. Noise level kb7aqd 20171210 21:59 14205.0 HK0RMR ! HK0/San Andres/Provi ::ffff: 20171210 22:04 28400.0 K7XC ! K United States ::ffff: 20171213 12:29 14169.0 k3zr ! K United States ::ffff: 20171213 12:32 14241.8 ok2rz ! OK Czech Republic ::ffff: 20171213 12:38 14169.0 la7jr ! LA Norway ::ffff: 20171213 12:44 14260.0 kp4khf ! KP4 Puerto Rico ::ffff: 20171213 12:45 14240.0 kc4boa K United States ::ffff: 20171213 12:50 14174.0 on9cgb ! ON Belgium ::ffff: 20171213 13:01 14316.0 w3jfr K United States ::ffff: 20171213 13:06 14258.0 yv5eni ! YV Venezuela ::ffff: 20171213 13:07 14260.0 vo1rac ! VE Canada ::ffff: 20171213 13:12 14255.0 g2yt ! G England ::ffff: 20171213 13:14 14195.0 pd17xmas ! PA Netherlands ::ffff: 20171213 13:23 14258.0 vo1rac VE Canada ::ffff: 20171213 13:23 14265.0 9a7jcy ! 9A Croatia ::ffff: 20171213 13:27 14180.0 it9ssi ! I Italy ::ffff: 20171213 13:29 14202.0 va1sea VE Canada ::ffff: 20171213 13:35 14211.0 ua3qlp ! UA European Russia ::ffff: 20171213 13:35 14211.0 ke5ee K United States ::ffff: 20171213 13:37 14211.0 lx1qf ! LX Luxembourg ::ffff: 20171213 13:44 14323.0 oe6hog ! OE Austria ::ffff: 20171213 13:46 14282.0 n9mm K United States ::ffff: 20171213 13:47 14282.0 f1bll ! F France ::ffff: 20171213 13:51 14225.0 a61cp ! A6 United Arab Emir ::ffff: 20171213 13:55 14243.0 sp6gvu ! SP Poland ::ffff: 20171215 14:01 14209.0 ke5ee K United States ::ffff: 20171216 20:46 14262.0 zs6tvb ! ZS South Africa ::ffff: 20171217 17:24 14309.0 KC4JNW K United States ::ffff: 20171217 17:25 14309.0 KC4JNW K United States ::ffff: 20171217 23:58 629.0 5 789 20171218 03:12 3790.0 g0evy good signal ! G England ::ffff: 20171218 03:39 330.5 DC Freq. is off by 4 kHz, water fal KF4PZA 20171218 22:24 14052.1 w5zr K United States ::ffff: 20171219 17:46 881.0 wcbs clear in wichita,ks leonard bailey/wichita,ks 20171220 18:57 14044.0 k4kd K United States ::ffff: 20171220 20:07 14342.0 KSFBII KM4OFR 20171221 19:21 14262.0 zs6tvb ZS South Africa ::ffff: 20171222 12:31 7163.0 KC8CF ! K United States ::ffff: 20171222 19:49 14276.0 al7gky ! KL Alaska N1JCM 20171223 23:25 6113.5 WWCR Fun to listen to religious talk K1LWC 20171224 01:16 531.0 Jil FM AM 531 KHz ::ffff: 20171224 05:43 1120.0 KMOX-St. Louis Strong Bowtie41 20171224 19:11 1630.0 This is a Test Preliminary test for new MW K1LWC 20171224 20:41 14026.0 VE4RAC CQ RADIO AM. OF CANADA SPCL EVEN VE Canada K1LWC 20171224 21:16 14025.6 PV9ADI CQ from Boa Vista, Roraima, Bras ! PY Brazil K1LWC 20171225 23:57 3510.0 PJ2/SM4KYN 569 op andy, qso with YL3CW ! PJ2 Netherlands Anti K1LWC 20171225 23:57 3510.0 YL3CW 579 fb sig op Val wkg PJ2/SM4KYN ! YL Latvia K1LWC 20171225 23:59 3537.3 K9IL op bob 589 TN wkg YL3CW ! K United States K1LWC 20171226 00:02 3507.0 HA5JI clg cq ! HA Hungary K1LWC 20171226 00:06 3513.5 HA9RT clg cq dx HA Hungary K1LWC 20171226 00:07 3513.5 HA9RT 579 op Joska wkg W9RGB HA Hungary K1LWC 20171226 00:12 3513.0 HA9RT clg cq dx HA Hungary K1LWC 20171226 20:04 14290.0 wd5csk OMISS net K United States w8lpn 20171227 00:56 3513.4 RD3ZC 239 CLG CQ ! UA European Russia K1LWC 20171227 14:41 14218.0 DM500RT 59 SPECIAL EVENT CLG LA1VTA ! DL Germany K1LWC 20171227 14:45 14263.9 OK2RZ 59 CLG WQ7X IN AZ OK Czech Republic K1LWC 20171227 14:48 14263.9 N9N WKG OK2RZ NORTHERN IL DX ASSN 50 K United States K1LWC 20171227 15:00 14015.5 OE5RBL WKG WQ7X FB 579 OE Austria K1LWC 20171227 15:02 14010.0 I1YRL CLG CQ I Italy K1LWC 20171227 15:04 14050.5 ON7PQ CLG CQ ON Belgium K1LWC 20171228 17:24 14074.0 k3gwk K United States ::ffff: 20171228 17:32 14244.4 iz4ufg I Italy n4fnh 20171228 21:38 7011.3 HA8QZ CLG CQ DX ! HA Hungary K1LWC 20171228 21:42 7013.7 YV5DRN CLG CQ 579 ! YV Venezuela K1LWC 20171228 21:44 7004.6 OK2RZ 579 WKG N5RP. NAME JIRI ! OK Czech Republic K1LWC 20171228 21:50 7016.5 DJ8VH 569 HUBERT, WKG W8WA ! DL Germany K1LWC 20171228 21:51 7016.5 W8WA 589 QTH MICH, LEE WKG DJ8VH K United States K1LWC 20171228 22:01 7003.6 KP4TF CLG CQ ! KP4 Puerto Rico K1LWC 20171228 22:29 7006.8 C56RU 569 FB WKG AG9A ! C5 Gambia K1LWC 20171228 22:32 7006.8 C56RU 569 WKG OE3PUO FB C5 Gambia K1LWC 20171228 22:35 7022.8 YV5DTJ CLG CQ YV Venezuela K1LWC 20171228 22:37 7029.8 DM500RT 579 WKG LU7DED SPCL EVENT STA DL Germany K1LWC 20171228 22:37 7029.8 DM500RT 579 FB CLG CQ DL Germany K1LWC 20171228 22:46 1630.1 "THIS IS A TES two parts, one hi mod, one l K1LWC 20171228 22:53 890.0 RADIO PROGRESO 58 GOOD SIGNAL CHAMBAS, CUBA K1LWC 20171228 22:55 640.0 RADIO PROGRESO LA HABANA, SIG 55 K1LWC 20171228 23:01 530.0 R ENCICLOPEDIA LA HABANA, CUBA - LITE INSTR K1LWC 20171229 02:39 730.0 00010111 by v01d ::ffff: 20171229 17:11 1636.0 skyking mrsrogo 20171229 21:49 14028.0 ZP6CW ! ZP Paraguay WB2UZR 20171230 01:18 7011.8 DL5ANT CLG CQ DL Germany K1LWC 20171230 01:42 1819.5 VE3ZI CLG C ! VE Canada K1LWC 20171230 01:43 1819.5 K0OO/3 579 ! K United States K1LWC 20171230 12:26 14213.2 ot4a ON Belgium ::ffff: 20171230 14:35 7176.0 VE3RAC CLG CQ - SPCL EVENT STATION ! VE Canada K1LWC 20171230 14:36 7176.0 VE3RAC CLG CQ RADIO AMATEURS OF CANADA VE Canada K1LWC 20171230 19:21 630.0 KMPS ::ffff: 20171231 01:46 1558.0 wfme 1558.kHz good choir hymns Family Radio 9hs4661 20171231 14:51 246.1 NDB LUA Luray Caverns, VA. Weak but t ks5d 20180101 11:00 3885.1 alpha alpha 4 ::ffff: 20180101 15:11 7220.0 kc1ekb K United States ::ffff: 20180101 16:22 13845.0 eco ciao ::ffff: 20180101 20:41 27285.0 dr killo watt ::ffff: 20180101 21:55 9689.0 REE EA4BNS 20180101 22:25 14270.0 W1JC K United States EA4BNS 20180101 22:29 14216.9 W7TAE K United States EA4BNS 20180101 23:33 14347.0 N4NCF ED SPIDER WEM NET ::ffff: 20180102 00:01 197.0 Dixon NDB Hearing Dixon on 197 CW line in HR1/K2LCT 20180102 00:08 198.3 NDB Dixon 198 now see both SB HR1/K2LCT 20180102 00:11 198.3 NDB DIW Dixon AM 2,28 HR1/K2LCT 20180102 00:42 223.1 NDB DAA HR1/K2LCT 20180102 00:44 237.2 NDB E Z F HR1/K2LCT 20180102 00:46 332.2 NDB DC HR1/K2LCT 20180102 00:48 329.9 NDB C H HR1/K2LCT 20180102 00:50 351.1 NDB MSQ HR1/K2LCT 20180102 01:03 1930.1 160M rd tble HR1/K2LCT 20180102 22:03 7.2 k9rsy ! K United States ::ffff: 20180102 23:51 1885.0 K1KCW AM HR1/K2LCT 20180103 02:16 7015.4 PJ7/UT6UD CLG CQ 599 FB ! PJ7 Sint Maarten K1LWC 20180103 02:18 7028.8 PV8ADI CLG CQ W2LQC FB 599 BOA VISTA, B ! PY Brazil K1LWC 20180103 02:21 7044.0 K5LG CQ FROM EVERTON, ARKANSAS K United States K1LWC 20180103 02:24 7005.5 CO3ET CLG EA8/DH2MS 579 QSB NR HAVANA ! CM Cuba K1LWC 20180103 02:25 7005.5 EA8/DH2MS WKG CO3ET 579 FB ! EA8 Canary Is. K1LWC 20180103 02:32 7004.5 EA8AF WKG HA3MT? 459 IN TENERIFE, PAC EA8 Canary Is. K1LWC 20180104 17:19 14299.7 K5hut Strong in maryland K United States ::ffff: 20180104 17:29 28380.0 K4ndig Sound great maryland K United States ::ffff: 20180105 14:00 14186.6 ER4DX ! ER Moldova BH3DBF 20180105 21:13 14165.0 Xe2c Buscando a Xe2lvm ! XE Mexico XE2SAH 20180105 21:18 14165.0 Xe2t Slds hasta Nogales! XE Mexico XE2SAH 20180105 21:24 14165.0 Xe2lvm Slds al movil por San Luis Potos XE Mexico XE2SAH 20180106 04:29 7183.0 n4lam K United States ::ffff: 20180106 21:00 15372.0 radio Havana C +40db ...S9 from QTH in Las wa9wcn 20180107 01:54 3885.1 K5NSN Strong into Washington DC ! K United States KD9CXH 20180107 02:14 3884.9 N2DTS Loud, S9+15 in DC area AM Heavy K United States KD9CXH 20180107 15:44 7152.7 k2ka K United States ::ffff: 20180108 08:33 1540.0 KXEL Waterloo, Weak,but audible with narrow Bowtie41 20180108 08:44 780.0 WBBM Chicago 50kW Bowtie41 20180108 14:01 1220.0 WFAX Falls Church,Christian prog. Bowtie41 20180109 00:54 7175.8 N5IT K United States KC3KBE 20180109 01:03 7137.7 EA5ISZ EA Spain KC3KBE 20180109 01:03 7137.7 W2JUQ K United States KC3KBE 20180109 01:08 7134.7 w2juq K United States KC3KBE 20180109 01:17 7214.8 KD2ACO K United States KC3KBE 20180109 01:19 7214.8 K3FM K United States KC3KBE 20180109 01:21 7137.8 C6AJB ! C6 Bahamas KC3KBE 20180109 17:55 14254.7 w1mbf K United States KC3KBE 20180111 00:30 473.9 k'4EJQ 473.88 KHZ F5OFK 20180111 17:19 14198.8 EA3AKP ! EA Spain ::ffff: 20180113 02:46 27825.5 PU2MMP ! PY Brazil ::ffff: 20180113 03:17 3842.9 KI4THY Captain Dave 3843 Show ::ffff: 20180113 04:43 5085.0 WTWW WTWW ::ffff: 20180113 17:22 10113.9 W9ZN 10.113.94 nice signal good fist ! K United States km6nn 20180114 22:04 630.0 WMAL DC from Germany ARON 20180116 19:11 27104.0 PU2KZQ BRAZIL ::ffff: 20180116 20:19 5442.0 WBCQ KN4ITV 20180116 22:20 5442.0 WBCQ ::ffff: 20180118 17:37 14270.0 ik4gro Lauro Zanoli from Italy calling I Italy KC3KBE 20180118 19:04 14295.0 kf5it very solid signal K United States KC3KBE 20180118 21:37 630.0 ea3dbb la recp perfercta desde cataluny EA3DBB 20180119 02:04 3845.1 KI4THY Captain Dave K United States ::ffff: 20180119 11:42 1815.0 x ::ffff: 20180119 17:47 14050.9 k3y/5 K United States ::ffff: 20180120 02:08 630.0 RADIO REBELDE CUBA - BRIEFLY OVER-RIDING WO K1LWC 20180120 02:12 710.0 RADIO REBELDE CUBA-OVER RIDE WOR NYC K1LWC 20180120 02:55 6000.0 Radio Havana C Good signal ::ffff: 20180120 20:50 14313.0 ZF2PG Unable to hear him in IL ! ZF Cayman Is. KU9Z 20180121 19:11 28330.0 AE7OA K United States ::ffff: 20180121 20:56 4625.0 UVB-76 4625 USB ::ffff: 20180122 14:02 14234.6 LM4ZZQ LA Norway KC3KBE 20180122 14:17 14263.4 DF8CX DL Germany KC3KBE 20180122 14:31 14322.7 OK2JCL OK Czech Republic KC3KBE 20180122 15:21 14247.8 OK2RZ OK Czech Republic KC3KBE 20180122 15:39 14307.1 KA2RMS K United States KC3KBE 20180122 16:43 14250.1 I1POR I Italy KC3KBE 20180122 16:56 14267.7 EA5IPC EA Spain KC3KBE 20180122 18:07 14254.0 ND0SB K United States KC3KBE 20180122 18:15 14294.8 6Y5MS ! 6Y Jamaica KC3KBE 20180122 18:25 14307.4 W5MRG K United States KC3KBE 20180123 21:27 1170.0 wwva news radi ::ffff: 20180123 22:30 570.0 22.29UTC 570kH from Germany ARON 20180125 14:44 14256.7 OK2RZ OK Czech Republic ::ffff: 20180125 14:53 14256.7 kt0dx K United States ::ffff: 20180129 04:04 7026.0 Z60A WKG RN3OG 579 FB SIG KOSOVO ! K1LWC 20180131 16:45 14238.0 LY5A strong signal, clear ! LY Lithuania ::ffff: 20180131 16:59 14269.2 DL0RUS ::ffff: 20180201 17:32 14255.8 I1POR I Italy ::ffff: 20180202 01:54 7144.9 AK4LZ Key Largo 69degrees K United States KA8FGE 20180203 12:54 27189.6 K2VPX K United States ::ffff: 20180204 15:42 28277.0 W0JTM/B 10m/BEACON K United States W0JTM 20180204 17:24 27185.0 DO7JOD germeny ! DL Germany DO7JOD 20180204 21:09 14266.1 KB1FRW CQ FOR VT QSO PARTY 59 FB SIG K United States K1LWC 20180205 03:30 3873.0 WA1QIX AM mode K United States ::ffff: 20180205 13:08 980.0 WTEM DC 980kHz Nice working - I'm in Poland ::ffff: 20180205 17:04 4230.0 WA5EIJ SWL Houston ! K United States ::ffff: 20180206 17:20 14200.0 9X9PJ ! 9X Rwanda ::ffff: 20180207 17:50 14200.0 Z60A ! Z6 Kosova ::ffff: 20180210 17:54 14217.0 OX3AH ! OX Greenland ::ffff: 20180211 01:39 14249.9 PY5AB Strong signal! PY Brazil KG5WSP 20180211 16:35 1088.6 wbal news 1090 hear real good in wichita,ks ::ffff: 20180212 00:29 28490.0 N1NRP K United States ::ffff: 20180212 23:10 7053.8 K8JD K United States K5HEM 20180212 23:10 7053.8 W9KMP K United States K5HEM 20180215 04:56 3510.5 HA8RM CLG CQ HUNGARY FB 579 HA Hungary K1LWC 20180215 04:57 3515.4 YR100R CLG WB4TDH 579 ! YO Romania K1LWC 20180215 04:57 3507.5 HA5BGL CLG CQ 579 HA Hungary K1LWC 20180215 05:04 3507.2 HA0NR CLG CQ DX 569 HA Hungary K1LWC 20180215 05:09 3513.8 SP6GVU CLG CQ 579 FB POLAND ! SP Poland K1LWC 20180215 05:10 3525.9 YR0WL CLG CQ YO Romania K1LWC 20180215 05:15 3504.4 CN2DF CLG CQ 459 ! CN Morocco K1LWC 20180215 05:15 3504.4 CN2DF CLG UP CQ CN Morocco K1LWC 20180215 20:43 14206.8 N5OB K United States ::ffff: 20180215 20:48 14219.8 N5OMK K United States ::ffff: 20180215 20:49 14219.8 PY6RT PY Brazil ::ffff: 20180215 22:49 7116.0 af4k K United States K5HEM 20180215 23:01 7059.4 k9vpl K United States K5HEM 20180216 03:59 3785.9 G0EVY G England NO3K 20180217 19:32 14015.0 CR3W C ! CT3 Madeira Is. K1LWC 20180217 19:32 14015.0 TM3R CQ F France K1LWC 20180217 19:33 14012.5 C08CY CQ K1LWC 20180217 19:35 14017.3 HP3SS CLG NA5J ! HP Panama K1LWC 20180217 19:40 730.0 wint RADIO TRIPOCAL ::ffff: 20180217 19:40 14011.2 FM5BH CLG K5PE ! FM Martinique K1LWC 20180217 19:42 14022.0 CR3DX CQ TEST CT3 Madeira Is. K1LWC 20180217 19:42 14021.6 IR4M CQ TEST I Italy K1LWC 20180217 22:32 3874.7 n3ida K United States N3IDA 20180219 03:20 3922.6 KC2ICV K United States ::ffff: 20180220 15:54 14249.7 dl5uz DL Germany km4now 20180220 16:00 14262.1 ly100zz LY Lithuania km4now 20180221 15:38 14182.0 w6kh K United States km4now 20180224 22:58 7088.3 SWL FROM ESPAI MARIO SALLAN SWL FROM EPAIN 20180225 00:09 27185.0 JH0WJE ! JA Japan ::ffff: 20180225 00:38 27185.0 JH0WJE JA Japan ::ffff: 20180225 02:35 1852.2 w3BGN 160m Contest K United States ::ffff: 20180225 02:35 1865.2 N4rv 160m Contest K United States ::ffff: 20180225 02:36 1868.1 K3ZO 160m Contest K United States ::ffff: 20180225 02:36 1873.0 K3WW 160m Contest K United States ::ffff: 20180225 02:37 1884.0 KD3HN 160m Contest K United States ::ffff: 20180225 17:44 7078.0 TA4BU ! TA Turkey ::ffff: 20180225 18:12 620.0 wtmj ::ffff: 20180227 21:40 7255.0 WB4TVK VIC -KENTUCKY K United States n4yku 20180228 03:16 407.0 ZHU NDB BERT 20180228 03:20 384.0 EMR NDB BERT 20180228 03:22 350.0 MSQ NDB BERT 20180228 03:24 333.0 DC NDB BERT 20180228 03:25 329.9 CH NDB BERT 20180228 03:27 272.4 YQT NDB BERT 20180228 03:28 258.0 SQT NDB BERT 20180228 03:29 248.4 UL NDB BERT 20180228 03:30 245.4 YZE NDB BERT 20180228 03:31 238.0 EZF NDB BERT 20180228 03:33 224.0 DAA NDB BERT 20180228 03:33 217.0 CLB NDB BERT 20180228 03:34 199.1 DIW NDB BERT 20180228 14:12 14009.3 OT4A ON Belgium ::ffff: 20180228 16:05 7062.0 KY4GW This was my call testing from Ke K United States ::ffff: 20180228 17:23 14228.0 A41CK ! A4 Oman ::ffff: 20180301 13:59 7026.9 K8CIT K United States W4JHH 20180301 14:01 7051.1 N4EFJ K United States W4JHH 20180301 14:02 7051.1 N4OW K United States W4JHH 20180301 14:13 7050.6 W0LGU SKCC K United States W4JHH 20180301 14:19 7029.7 WB2YRL K United States W4JHH 20180301 14:20 7029.7 W4MQC/1 K United States W4JHH 20180301 16:09 14049.8 KI6M K United States ::ffff: 20180302 00:53 630.0 PP5KD OK ! PY Brazil ::ffff: 20180302 19:12 14332.0 ad0np 5/3 K United States va7jsf 20180302 21:57 7100.0 ve3hva VE Canada ::ffff: 20180304 04:14 3683.0 ????? weird voice ::ffff: 20180304 04:49 7129.9 cr6k ! CT Portugal ::ffff: 20180304 09:33 7162.9 H72DX CQ Contest ! YN Nicaragua Me 20180304 15:30 7251.0 Wb8cm K United States n1tiz 20180304 15:31 7251.0 Wb8wcm K United States n1tiz 20180304 15:34 7251.0 Kc4yqm K United States n1tiz 20180304 18:23 28423.2 w3lpl K United States ::ffff: 20180304 19:16 14229.0 F6CTT F France ::ffff: 20180304 21:56 14172.0 NR5M K United States STEVE S 20180305 17:18 1700.0 NA5B 50milliwa Small station but such taste KC1CCG 20180305 19:49 14222.0 XR0YD ! CE0YEaster Island ::ffff: 20180305 19:51 14185.0 Z2LA ! Z2 Zimbabwe ::ffff: 20180306 00:47 7033.4 ke0naz CQ K United States ::ffff: 20180306 00:51 7038.5 wa5res QSO K United States ::ffff: 20180306 02:01 1700.0 pp5kd Hello ! PY Brazil ::ffff: 20180306 17:31 14055.2 KN4GPT SKCC 17938 K United States n1xf 20180306 17:45 14004.1 DK7LX Georg DL Germany n1xf 20180306 22:36 7200.0 K1LEM nothing but fools on 7200 K United States Bob 20180306 22:36 7272.0 w0pjh ok in tn K United States ::ffff: 20180306 22:38 7272.0 W4LWW K United States ::ffff: 20180307 10:46 3838.0 w1mct K United States W2FBS 20180307 19:09 7200.0 K1LEM biggest trouble maker on amateur K United States Bob 20180307 19:51 14260.1 K0EEA Northern Italy - DX Pile-up K United States ::ffff: 20180307 20:40 7170.0 w0ih K United States KN4JOU 20180307 20:45 7181.0 w5kub K United States KN4JOU 20180308 01:18 7011.0 w6pu 7011 K United States bh9bck 20180308 01:21 7022.0 UW5ZM ! UR Ukraine BH9BCK 20180308 11:56 3838.0 aj4zl K United States W2FBS 20180308 18:30 14184.0 EB1DJ peak -84dB EA Spain me1900 20180308 18:41 14247.1 EA3AKP 100km from Barcelona, Spain EA Spain me1900 20180308 18:48 14208.0 LZ5DD he said using 8 element beam ! LZ Bulgaria me1900 20180308 20:46 7024.1 KI4XH CQ K United States W4JHH 20180308 20:48 7021.1 VE9VIC VE Canada W4JHH 20180308 20:52 7020.3 EA2DDE EA Spain W4JHH 20180308 20:57 7022.4 K2QMF K United States W4JHH 20180308 20:59 7022.9 WZ8P K United States W4JHH 20180308 21:00 7022.2 EA4TD EA Spain W4JHH 20180308 21:07 7019.2 KI4XH calling CQ on top of DX station K United States W4JHH 20180308 21:22 7019.0 WX4NN on top of DX station listen up K United States W4JHH 20180308 21:59 7019.0 3c3w huge pileup ! 3C Equatorial Guine W4JHH 20180308 22:28 7272.0 KG4TPM ! KG4 Guantanamo Bay ::ffff: 20180308 23:08 3795.0 il tiranno ::ffff: 20180309 15:29 7022.1 N0UN K United States W4JHH 20180309 16:02 27185.0 df5jz Germany DL Germany ::ffff: 20180309 17:36 14004.7 w7sw K United States ::ffff: 20180309 17:41 14022.9 GP0STH ! GU Guernsey ::ffff: 20180309 17:47 14290.0 UT7UV calling CQ DX ! UR Ukraine me1900 20180309 21:30 7100.1 ve3hva VE Canada ve3xbl 20180310 00:25 7019.0 W9KNI In QSO K United States n1xf 20180310 00:33 7019.0 W9KNI QSO with KW4XJ (?) Good Copy. K United States n1xf 20180310 03:40 3523.8 9y4 ! 9Y Trinidad & Tobag ::ffff: 20180310 03:44 7024.2 TY7C ! TY Benin ::ffff: 20180310 05:39 7002.2 XR0YD ! CE0YEaster Island ::ffff: 20180310 05:57 3528.6 T3UR ::ffff: 20180310 20:32 7103.0 KY4GW My own beacon for testing purpos K United States ::ffff: 20180311 00:07 7267.5 KC1AU K United States ::ffff: 20180311 15:05 7158.0 KJ4GDW 5/9 great signal K United States KB1YWL 20180311 15:06 7158.0 NN1T 5/9 Great Signal K United States KB1YWL 20180311 15:10 7158.0 W1LI 3/9 Good Signal K United States KB1YWL 20180311 15:39 7196.0 ve3iim VE Canada ::ffff: 20180311 15:40 7196.0 w9cld K United States ::ffff: 20180311 21:36 14153.8 F6CTT F France ::ffff: 20180311 21:42 14206.1 EB1DJ EA Spain ::ffff: 20180312 21:46 10000.0 wwv weak signal - 2146 UTC. ::ffff: 20180314 01:10 21074.0 ja6kjq ! JA Japan ::ffff: 20180315 02:24 3534.2 wb2fql cq K United States BG6SZD 20180315 02:29 3532.2 w3att CQ K United States BG6SZD 20180316 00:33 9395.0 VORW Reviewbrah rocks!!! ::ffff: 20180317 20:29 3686.1 ve2uq alain ! VE Canada ::ffff: 20180317 21:41 3847.9 KW3A K United States ::ffff: 20180318 09:00 9240.0 HM01 Cuban spy numbers station ! HM North Korea Hi :) 20180318 15:40 14022.6 k1nvy cq 599 K United States rz1an RU,SPE,"Saint Petersburg" 20180318 15:46 14288.7 c31kc 55 cq ! C3 Andorra rz1an RU,SPE,"Saint Petersburg" 20180318 16:28 14254.7 ly28a 59 LY Lithuania rz1an RU,SPE,"Saint Petersburg" 20180318 16:51 14263.0 oe5sln 59 cq dx OE Austria rz1an RU,SPE,"Saint Petersburg" 20180318 17:23 14242.9 ok2rz cq dx OK Czech Republic rz1an RU,SPE,"Saint Petersburg" 20180318 18:36 21280.0 PJ5/SP9FIH ! PJ7 Sint Maarten ::ffff: 20180318 18:40 21295.0 TN5R ! TN Congo ::ffff: 20180318 18:42 21280.0 PJ5/SP9FIH PJ7 Sint Maarten ::ffff: 20180318 20:21 14297.0 UA4FER UA European Russia ::ffff: 20180318 23:38 7190.0 KN4JTQ Great Sounding Station K United States W4JFF 20180319 01:20 14233.0 PJ5/SP9FIH ! PJ7 Sint Maarten ::ffff: 20180319 18:14 14061.4 VO1DD 14040.5 mar 19 '18 @1810Z VE Canada k7ew 20180319 20:27 14200.0 TN5R ! TN Congo ::ffff: 20180320 11:16 7242.0 ve1bhe VE Canada ::ffff: 20180320 14:52 27185.2 rooster crowed good morning ::ffff: 20180320 20:04 7268.0 k4osk K United States ::ffff: 20180320 23:53 7016.1 W5TZC EXCELLENT fist, sir! K United States KK4EOU 20180320 23:57 7051.0 W5ZR K United States KK4EOU 20180321 00:27 7052.8 KM4FO K United States KK4EOU 20180321 00:31 7056.1 WD5DWC K United States KK4EOU 20180321 00:45 7055.0 K0CCM K United States KK4EOU 20180321 00:54 7057.1 W9FCC K United States KK4EOU 20180321 00:58 7054.9 NF5U K United States KK4EOU 20180321 06:07 3868.0 Weak You need a better antenna ::ffff: 20180321 19:25 7041.8 W4BRX K United States KK4EOU 20180321 23:26 7037.6 K8MPH Calling CQ K United States N1XF 20180321 23:33 7060.0 AD9Y Slow CW, in QSO with K9VEG K United States N1XF 20180321 23:36 7051.2 WD9DWE Interesting fist. Called CQ and K United States N1XF 20180321 23:37 7041.7 WA5RES Calling CQ K United States N1XF 20180321 23:55 7054.5 KM4FO K United States KK4EOU 20180321 23:59 7051.0 WD9DWE K United States KK4EOU 20180322 00:02 7060.2 WB7PNC K United States KK4EOU 20180322 00:20 7063.0 N0ENO K United States KK4EOU 20180322 00:28 7052.2 KK4BMB K United States KK4EOU 20180322 00:46 7055.6 K0CCM K United States KK4EOU 20180322 22:11 9955.0 VORW Listening from Estonia :) ::ffff: 20180323 05:58 1630.0 "This is the cast" message repeating Hi :) 20180323 14:35 7200.0 ac1dd what a bunch of morons K United States Bob extra class 20180324 00:09 7051.1 KR4KG K United States KK4EOU 20180324 00:11 7051.1 N7KDT K United States KK4EOU 20180324 00:22 7054.1 N4OW K United States KK4EOU 20180324 00:36 7052.9 KE4OH K United States KK4EOU 20180324 00:42 7055.3 KA2KGP K United States KK4EOU 20180324 00:56 7054.5 K4UYQ K United States KK4EOU 20180324 01:02 7054.6 K8UDH K United States KK4EOU 20180324 16:46 7191.0 ne1c K United States ::ffff: 20180324 16:47 7191.0 ne1c K United States kg5mif 20180324 17:04 21303.0 PJ2T ! PJ2 Netherlands Anti KG5MIF 20180324 17:05 21303.0 K1GG ! K United States KG5MIF 20180324 17:06 21303.0 WX4W K United States KG5MIF 20180324 17:06 21303.0 K2YGM K United States KG5MIF 20180324 17:08 21303.0 N4CU K United States KG5MIF 20180324 17:11 21267.0 PJ4V PJ2 Netherlands Anti KG5MIF 20180324 17:14 7191.0 NE1C K United States KG5MIF 20180324 17:15 7205.0 AD8J K United States KG5MIF 20180324 17:16 7205.0 W8PLZ K United States KG5MIF 20180324 17:18 7180.1 WA4PUB K United States KG5MIF 20180324 17:19 7187.5 WW4LL K United States KG5MIF 20180324 17:19 7187.5 W2CLI K United States KG5MIF 20180324 17:22 7200.1 WU9W K United States KG5MIF 20180324 17:31 14240.0 EE5V EA Spain KG5MIF 20180324 17:31 14237.5 9A1A 9A Croatia KG5MIF 20180324 17:32 14234.5 VA7CRZ VE Canada KG5MIF 20180324 17:33 14234.5 F2UA F France KG5MIF 20180324 17:34 14231.0 KJ4QHL K United States KG5MIF 20180324 17:34 14231.0 N9QA K United States KG5MIF 20180324 20:18 28320.0 PJ4R ! PJ2 Netherlands Anti ::ffff: 20180327 21:34 7272.0 w0pjh good K United States w4bcg 20180328 01:32 730.0 WTNT in Alexan Good. 73 pp5kd 20180328 04:34 630.0 Newbie ::ffff: 20180328 17:06 10114.0 W9IK Calling CQ K United States n1xf 20180328 23:13 7057.1 N2KPJ K United States KK4EOU 20180328 23:14 7057.1 AA9OM K United States KK4EOU 20180328 23:18 7056.0 KD1RT K United States KK4EOU 20180328 23:28 7054.5 W0SZV K United States KK4EOU 20180328 23:28 7054.5 K4UYQ K United States KK4EOU 20180329 15:18 14227.0 sk5saj 5-5 ! SM Sweden kb2nom 20180329 23:58 7189.0 ea3je good dx EA Spain ::ffff: 20180330 00:01 7189.0 nz5l good dx K United States ::ffff: 20180331 20:09 27455.0 14cb041 yes listen in france 14cb041 20180331 23:31 7051.0 N1XF I hear me calling CQ K United States N1XF 20180401 07:55 840.0 all sun ::ffff: 20180401 22:31 21295.0 TN5R TN Congo ::ffff: 20180401 22:40 14158.0 ZD8RY ! ZD8 Ascension I. ::ffff: 20180402 14:26 1700.0 NA5B AM Great soft music, I love to hear ::ffff: 20180403 01:09 7035.7 va7xw/ve2 VE Canada rw4pq 20180403 01:40 7036.5 VA7XW/VE2 VE Canada ::ffff: 20180403 17:41 15260.0 IBRA Radio Sam Very faint music. randykcox 20180403 18:41 14207.0 DL5RBW NICE AUDIO DL Germany 8P6ET 20180403 18:43 14207.0 W2WCM K United States 8P6ET 20180403 22:42 3958.0 KDMOEM ::ffff: 20180403 23:58 7118.0 N8AFT K United States KK4EOU 20180403 23:58 7118.0 WB8BIL K United States KK4EOU 20180404 18:54 6586.0 jojo ::ffff: 20180404 18:54 6586.0 jojo hi ! ::ffff: 20180404 18:55 6586.0 f6cdx hello ! F France ::ffff: 20180404 23:09 7054.6 W0RJW K United States KK4EOU 20180404 23:09 7054.6 N08C K United States KK4EOU 20180404 23:27 7033.1 K1RAQ Very difficult code... no spaces K United States KK4EOU 20180404 23:41 7042.1 W8OSK Nice, clear fist. K United States KK4EOU 20180624 21:32 162550.0 KHB36 162.550M The clearest station output KN4NBV 20180715 19:34 162550.0 SWL From Spain ::ffff: 20180720 02:59 162550.0 WHB36 ! K United States YN1ZFQ 20180720 13:21 162547.2 W6LXA K United States ::ffff: 20180904 09:48 162550.0 BFN HTTP://BFN2.NET w6sfg 20181017 23:17 50130.0 LARG Wednesday 8PM EST ::ffff: 20181122 23:12 162549.5 cd3kbg ! CE Chile ::ffff: 20181207 02:07 439762.5 N3UR ! K United States N8TXQ 20190301 14:15 162543.6 f5njf ! F France ::ffff: 20190322 04:50 162550.0 WHB36 Flood warning K United States VK2SNS 20190326 22:22 439760.0 Oh 2 Dd ::ffff: 20190326 22:22 439760.0 Oh 1 Very god ::ffff: 20190908 13:44 146909.0 YV5LFX ! YV Venezuela VE,Caracas 20190908 13:44 146909.0 YV5LFX 73 TO ALL YV Venezuela VE,Caracas 20190908 13:50 146909.0 YV5LFX 73 to all YV Venezuela VE,Caracas 20190915 18:54 162550.0 ve3ipc ! VE Canada unknown 20191003 21:06 51940.0 K4QJZ Repeater ! K United States KI4YWQ 20191106 02:09 120000.0 TRACON? KC8YTK 20191214 01:48 161325.0 va1jon VE Canada CA,Toronto 20191229 11:41 145799.4 swl DE,Erfurt 20191229 23:44 162450.0 إذاعة ا� 4 weather 181HS400 20200104 23:14 162450.0 wi7e K United States US,Mesa 20200119 02:45 50130.0 w3ip K United States US,Dayton 20200601 18:59 162074.0 f8aip F France F8AIP 20200621 12:41 50129.9 k9ot K United States DE,Frankfurt am Main 20200803 18:48 162450.0 KZZ28 Sterling VA 1 kW K United States GB,Appleby-in-Westmorland 20200803 18:49 162550.0 WHB36 Tropical Storm forecast. K United States GB,Appleby-in-Westmorland 20200812 20:05 146655.0 KB3SOG ! K United States US,Newport 20200812 20:05 146655.0 WBFO US,Newport 20200812 20:16 146655.0 K4COV K United States US,Newport 20200903 16:09 147000.0 k3jj K United States US,Brooklyn 20201121 15:56 146910.0 NV4FM www.nvfma.org K United States US,Arlington 20201201 00:58 146685.0 K4HTA K United States US,Reading 20201201 02:34 146685.0 K4HTA Tysons VA, viennawireless.net K United States KO4JEU 20201230 06:02 162550.0 KHB36 NOAA Weather Radio - KHB36 K United States unknown 20201230 06:05 162550.0 KHB36 NOAA Weather Radio - KHB36 (offi K United States ::ffff: 20201230 06:07 162550.0 KHB36 NOAA/NWS (Manassas, VA) K United States CA,Toronto 20210116 13:35 120972.5 sdfd hi TR,Bursa 20210211 07:05 161550.0 EOT US,Friendswood 20210217 23:52 147240.0 W4IY Woodbridge, VA K United States dcpatton 20210218 03:09 147075.0 W3VPR K United States dcpatton 20210218 21:37 146745.0 W4KGC King George County, VA K United States dcpatton 20210219 01:15 147315.0 W4HFH Alexandria, VA K United States dcpatton 20210220 15:25 147165.0 W4VA Warrenton, VA K United States dcpatton 20210220 16:24 146835.0 WA3NAN Greenbelt, MD K United States dcpatton 20210220 19:03 147000.0 K3WX Ashton, MD K United States dcpatton 20210220 19:18 147135.0 K3CUJ Columbia, MD K United States dcpatton 20210220 20:47 146760.0 WA3DZD Jessup, MD K United States dcpatton 20210220 22:35 120975.0 ZDC54 Cape Charles, VA - RCAG dcpatton 20210220 22:59 147015.0 K4TS Fredericksburg, VA K United States dcpatton 20210221 20:52 120750.0 ZDC50 Washington Center Sector 50 dcpatton 20210223 03:59 146610.0 K3GMR Bladensburg, MD K United States dcpatton 20210227 00:14 146655.0 K4US Alexandria, VA K United States dcpatton 20210303 02:04 147375.0 WS4VA Stafford, VA K United States US,Falls Church 20210304 16:09 161550.0 ? Amtrak dcpatton 20210304 16:12 160950.0 ? Norfolk Southern dcpatton 20210420 12:54 146519.9 W4EO K United States KE4JRM 20210504 19:59 162550.0 162.550 US,Charlotte 20210526 12:01 50145.0 ZF1EJ 50145 ! ZF Cayman Is. TR,Kütahya 20210612 15:49 146895.0 W4GMF Montross, VA K United States dcpatton 20210612 15:52 147330.0 K4IAD Chantilly, VA K United States dcpatton 20210730 15:16 162061.6 n/a weird interferences ox 20210811 19:49 161669.0 sluissambeek NL,Cuijk 20211006 00:37 162550.0 w5YIJ K United States US,Miami 20211006 15:51 51034.0 wilk US,Mountain Top 20211016 15:30 161700.0 sluissambeek sluissambeek NL,Cuijk 20211116 18:34 119856.4 PDØGJE NL,Almere Stad 20211116 18:34 119856.4 pd0gje ! PA Netherlands NL,Almere Stad 20211123 21:07 146625.0 W4AVA/R WDC Wide Area RPTR K United States wa3gin 20211221 18:31 145800.0 IU8MZZ VERY BEATIFUL ! I Italy IU8MZZ 20211230 05:43 145800.0 KC9EBB K United States US,Chicago 20220102 19:35 119700.0 iw8rrb very good ! I Italy IT,Massafra 20220107 02:02 146520.9 WA6MPR Overheard while using NA5B WebSD K United States KM4BBB 20220107 02:03 147015.0 KU4C Overheard on K4TS via NA5B WebSD K United States KM4BBB 20220107 02:04 147015.0 KN2K Overheard on K4TS via NA5B Websd K United States KM4BBB 20220107 02:05 147015.0 KO4NVT Heard on K4TS via NA5B NA5B K United States KM4BBB 20220109 01:11 147300.0 K4HD K United States KM4BBB 20220112 00:49 146895.0 N3KZS Manchester, MD K United States dpatton 20220113 16:23 147195.0 N3PX Mechanicsville, MD K United States dcpatton 20220203 04:25 162550.0 KHB36 R-S-T: 5-9 K United States WA4282SWL 20220210 13:55 119700.0 ATC ATC US,Los Angeles 20220312 08:41 120000.0 Clock That’s interference from the U GB,Maple Cross 20220628 18:56 162550.0 7248 US,Charleston 20220725 00:48 162550.0 PU2RFK ! PY Brazil BR,Praia Grande 20220808 23:10 162547.6 WX KHB36 7:10 PM EST, Weather US,Bluffton 20220928 20:18 120997.3 162.550 US,Struthers 20221112 23:46 160845.0 KD9TII K United States US,Fairfield 20221119 19:15 162550.0 NOAA Weather R 162.550 59+ FR,Poitiers 20221126 19:05 162550.0 162550.00 US,Dallas 20221207 12:17 162550.0 KN6TQL Nice and Strong 59, 73 K United States US,Burbank 20230101 15:07 146955.0 KV3B repeater K United States wb2u 20230317 00:26 147315.0 w4hfh K United States KK4WAD 20230404 20:39 146456.8 k3era K United States KC3TAT 20230428 16:28 146042.3 ? unknown 20230603 10:16 162550.0 test US,Springfield 20230904 19:43 162550.0 KHB36 I like this system, i could use K United States US,Beckley 20230907 01:04 162550.0 NOAA WY2Z 20230907 01:09 162550.0 KHB36 NOAA weather. V strong K United States WY2Z 20231110 03:38 162550.0 na5b@hotmail.c US,Silver Spring 20231114 01:17 147240.0 KQ4MHS K United States KJ4JLP 20231117 13:51 146940.0 145.70 US,Owendale 20231128 17:50 162550.0 1050 162550 kc US,Lakewood 20231201 02:08 146835.0 N3pzz N3pzz K United States N3PZZ 20231205 21:07 161843.3 unknown might be data stream call 20231207 21:20 162550.0 NA5B From NA5B-KEC76 Denver 162.550, K United States US,Washington 20231208 22:53 162550.0 NA5B KEC76 Denver 162.550, K United States US,Washington 20231220 04:51 162450.0 SCA WNG736 IN,Delhi 20240127 04:56 162450.0 WX WNG736 Clear, strong signal :) US,Brentwood 20240313 13:58 162400.0 WXM57 K United States US,Chicago 20240313 14:09 162475.0 KEC92 Salisbur AV,DG 20240313 14:11 162550.0 KHB36 Manassas VA Forecast Office LWX K United States AV,DG 20240313 14:13 162450.0 WNG736 Washington D.C DC Signal is quit K United States AV,DG 20240321 13:40 146730.0 W3fdk K United States Minch 20240416 04:28 162549.2 A8OK ! EL Liberia Red 20240528 15:07 162450.0 kih42 K United States US,Lawrenceburg 20240529 23:48 162500.0 WXK97 Upper Delware Bay Forecast K United States AV,DG 20240629 16:19 146520.0 station on 146.520 VERY hard to hear but US,Cape Coral 20240805 22:33 119850.0 DCA US,Houston 20241004 20:53 146456.9 WB4YAO K United States KN4GTF 20241020 05:58 162475.0 KEC92 ID confirmed. K United States US,Allen Park 20241020 22:26 161751.5 ? ? IT,Rome 20241103 22:32 162475.0 WXM42 K United States US,Chicago 20241104 05:39 162525.0 WWG52 K United States US,Chicago 20241104 05:43 162400.0 KEC83 Station ID Confirmation. K United States US,Chicago 20241204 18:31 162550.0 wjx39 K United States wjx39 20241209 03:55 162553.3 HJ6JBV THANKS ! HK Colombia HJ6JBV 20241218 04:34 146707.0 146707 Unintelligible. Need more info. Patch 20241222 18:45 162550.0 KHB36 K United States US,La Grange 20241228 20:52 50313.0 HC3RJ ! HC Ecuador EC,Machala 20250121 23:36 50313.0 pu2tws ! PY Brazil BR,Mococa 20250203 03:22 146460.0 154.740000 US,Norfolk